Useful and inspiring for those of us who enjoy trips for the feelings and stories (just back from South Georgia) and when we return home, pick up a pen and start flowing about the experience. I’ve been considering structure and found your post tonight. Many thanks
Greetings. Thank you for telling your origin story—a portrait of a young woman discovering her art in an unexpected fashion. Wildlife photographer. You are very brave.
Thank you also for providing the voiceover. You have that storytelling voice. I especially appreciated the part where you poked fun at your eager beaver self. I detected a smile and a snicker in your voice, a compassionate understanding and acceptance of self. I hope they are not too much trouble to add. Best regards.
Love your story, very informative, thank you for that. It is something I keep asking myself, what is the story I am telling. Searching for the tale within the topic. And l like that your note is a story with a personal angle which makes it a great read. Do you think that sometimes a topic is just that, a topic. Or is there always a story to be found? Any tips for finding story elements?
You’re a talented story-teller and your photographs are gorgeous. Is that an appropriate way to describe photographs? I mean, I can say “your photographs made me go ‘dang!’ and ‘wow’ and ‘yikes!’”. I think “gorgeous” says the same thing. :)
This is great! I'm in my second semester teaching photography at a small University where it is required but only one class and paired with basic knowledge of photoshop. I have been given the opportunity to build the class to my own vision. The challenge is deciding on and fitting in what I think is most important into one class. I really like how you made the distinction between a series and a story. I plan on showing my class your TED talk. Would it be ok if I printed this article as a handout to go with it?
Useful and inspiring for those of us who enjoy trips for the feelings and stories (just back from South Georgia) and when we return home, pick up a pen and start flowing about the experience. I’ve been considering structure and found your post tonight. Many thanks
Thanks David! So glad to hear you found it useful. South Georgia, what a dream! I wish you all the best in putting it into words.
You have my “Once upon a time” dream job.
Gorgeous!!!! Wonderful story - stunning photos….
Dave :)
Greetings. Thank you for telling your origin story—a portrait of a young woman discovering her art in an unexpected fashion. Wildlife photographer. You are very brave.
Thank you also for providing the voiceover. You have that storytelling voice. I especially appreciated the part where you poked fun at your eager beaver self. I detected a smile and a snicker in your voice, a compassionate understanding and acceptance of self. I hope they are not too much trouble to add. Best regards.
Love your story, very informative, thank you for that. It is something I keep asking myself, what is the story I am telling. Searching for the tale within the topic. And l like that your note is a story with a personal angle which makes it a great read. Do you think that sometimes a topic is just that, a topic. Or is there always a story to be found? Any tips for finding story elements?
You’re a talented story-teller and your photographs are gorgeous. Is that an appropriate way to describe photographs? I mean, I can say “your photographs made me go ‘dang!’ and ‘wow’ and ‘yikes!’”. I think “gorgeous” says the same thing. :)
This is great! I'm in my second semester teaching photography at a small University where it is required but only one class and paired with basic knowledge of photoshop. I have been given the opportunity to build the class to my own vision. The challenge is deciding on and fitting in what I think is most important into one class. I really like how you made the distinction between a series and a story. I plan on showing my class your TED talk. Would it be ok if I printed this article as a handout to go with it?
Thank you for sharing your journey. I really enjoyed learning about the concepts behind enhancing storytelling in photography.
Your experience with Nat Geo, a dream come true for many of us photographers, was truly inspiring. 🙏